What We Do in the Shadows Stagione 4 Episodio 4
Serie: What We Do in the Shadows
Direttore: Amelia Haller, Bob Warwick, Cheyenne Byng, Daniela Barbosa, James Gilchrist, Ross Clyde, Sydney Kondruss, Tig Fong, Yana Gorskaya
Ospite d'onore: Abbas Wahab, Alex Jade, Anoop Desai, Joel Koshy, Kristen Schaal, Kurtys Kidd, Laura Ramoso, Liam McKenna, Michael Hough, Nick Corirossi, Nicolas Grimes, Parisa Fakhri, Peggy Calvert, Richard Willis, Shel Goldstein, Steve Bidwell, Susan Applewhaite, Violet Tinnirello